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Business Ethics Policy


This policy outlines Crosby Coffee Limited’s ethical stance towards carrying out business and helps to communicate this to all employees of the Company.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with Crosby Coffee Limited’s anti-bribery policy and the current employee handbook.



Ethical considerations affect Crosby Coffee Limited’s treatment and stance towards all employees, suppliers, clients, and customers.

The Company has principles and ideals that it follows and upholds in all its interactions, whether internal or external. The Company ensures through its management and employees that it adheres to these principles.


Our Ethical Stance

We are committed to maintaining our values and ideals. They are at the very centre of everything we do and include:

  • Being trustworthy; being truthful
  • Being reliable; being consistent and stable in our approach
  • Being respectful; treating everyone with dignity and respecting privacy
  • Being fair; applying best practice
  • Being careful; abiding by legislation, caring for others

Any deliberate failures to comply with, or decisions to deliberately deviate from, the ethical principles of the Company may trigger the need for disciplinary action to be taken.



During the standard Company induction, Crosby Coffee Limited’s ethical stance is communicated to all employees. Responsibility for the provision of the induction programme rests with the line manager for the employee.



To ensure that existing employees continue to understand and apply the principles of Crosby Coffee Limited’s ethical stance, laid out above, we will carry out periodic training sessions. These sessions ensure employees understand the ethical positions taken by the Company on a wide range of subjects and areas and can apply these when carrying out their role.


Interactions with Third Parties, Clients, Customers and Suppliers

The key touch points outside the Company should be governed by the ethical guidelines laid out above, as set out during induction and re-emphasised in training.

Customer/client interactions should always apply Crosby Coffee Limited’s ethics practices, as should all dealings with suppliers and other third parties.



Any communication carried out by employees on behalf of the Company or in order to carry out their job role must apply Crosby Coffee Limited’s ethical stance, as set out above.


Monitoring and Review

Crosby Coffee Limited will undertake appropriate monitoring and evaluation to ensure the policy is enacted by:

  • Reviewing the policy as a whole, annually
  • Keeping and acting on recruitment, training, and other employment information with a view to broadening the talent base by developing people’s abilities and creating the potential for new and flexible approaches
  • Reminding employees and self-employed contractors of the equality and diversity policy during induction and before interviewing